We believe that God calls us to radically love our neighbors and to minister to those who could never pay us back.

Grace Breathing

Neighbor Seeking
We embrace God's calling to love our neighbors, and we do everything in our power to help them feel that love.
We allow the Truth of God's Holy Word to inspire, challenge, and transform our lives. It is our heart's desire to see the Truth of God's Holy Word at work in the lives of our neighbors.

Life Transforming

Bride Loving
We love the Bride of Christ by intentionally connecting with the greater Church body.
We practice "iron sharpening" by building and promoting healthy relationships within the church.

Iron Sharpening
9:00 AM Sunday School
10:30 AM Worship Service
10:30 AM Worship Service
7:00 AM Prayer Meeting
6:00 PM Narcotics Anonymous
6:00 PM Narcotics Anonymous
Recent Sermons
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